A cry of victory

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A cry of victory

John 19: 30 “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Extra Reading:  John 19: 17-37

I once heard a project team leader say this to one of his colleagues, “Mission accomplished!” He was simply saying that they have done everything possible to carry out the project to the end, no matter what hiccups that may occur thereafter. I once prayed with an elderly lady in her late nineties at Ga-Rankuwa Hospital, North West Province, who pointed to her room and said, “This is my last room on earth, my next room will be in heaven.” She sounded a lot like the Apostle Paul, who wrote, “I have finished the race” (2 Timothy 4:7).

Jesus also used the word “finished,” but He brought its meaning to a higher level than anyone else who has ever lived. The Bible notes that before He uttered, “It is finished,” Jesus knew “that all was now completed.” What was completed? Jesus had earlier prayed to the Father, “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do” (John 17:4).  Sin had now been paid for! The sacrifice had been made! Satan was crushed (see Genesis 3:15). All was complete! Jesus’ work was finished! Mission accomplished!

Because Jesus finished His work, there is nothing more for you and me to do, except to bow at the foot of the cross and believe that He did this for us. Nothing left but gratitude and praise! We love you, Jesus!

Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, that you yielded your life as atonement for our sin on the cross. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Rev. Samuel N. Modise    

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