In desperate need of a revival of holiness-Part 2
Ephesians 3:14-15 “For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.”
Extra Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21
We must never be satisfied with our best, but ever be reaching out after His best. The problems of the world and of the church are fundamentally spiritual, and therefore their solution must be a spiritual one. As each Christian seeks after holiness, and longs for a clean heart filled with the love of Christ, so revival will be brought nearer. We need to say to ourselves, “The greatest need of the church and the world is my personal holiness.” The world experiences many needs, but the deepest need is the spiritual redemption of humanity, and this calls for a revival of holiness among Christians. By becoming worldly and prayerless and lacking in vision, the church is unable to help mankind in this hour of dire need and danger. The church from the beginning has emphasized the need of holiness. It is not some strange teaching brought about by some modern sect. Great saints of the early Christian centuries lived lives of true holiness, and taught the doctrine. The evangelical awakening of the eighteenth century under the Wesleys and others was the outcome of the teaching and practice of the life of holiness. The converts were led on at once to seek after sanctification and the baptism with the Holy Spirit. They had a love, joy and power and zeal for souls which is non-existent today.
A revival of holiness will bring joy back to a depressed church, and faith back to a doubting, uncertain church. It will transform a timid, apologetic church into one that will boldly challenge the blatant evils and blasphemy of these times, instead of maintaining a shameful silence. Wickedness increases alarmingly on all sides because the church has lost its power to protest, and its power to pray. The strength of the church is the inner circle of sanctified members. They are the workers, the fighters, the prayer warriors, the soul winners, yes, the very life of the church. Some of them are young and some of them are old, some are educated and some are not; some are well-off and some are poor. But they have one thing in common-they are fully consecrated and sanctified, pressing on toward perfection and likeness to Jesus. They keep climbing on the hill of God, and will never reach the top in this life. But they mean to die climbing, and cannot think of slowing up or retreating. Their cry is ever, “Forward ever, never back down!” until they meet the Lord at His coming, and are changed into His glorious likeness.
Here is the message so clearly taught by Jesus and set forth in the Word of God, which can transform a weak and dying church, and give it again an authority before which sinners of all classes, rich and poor, educated and ignorant, will quail and tremble. A church that is sanctified and transformed, that teaches and lives holiness, will be used of God to bring about the biggest revival the world has known, and to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. That revival is prophesied by Joel and is surely coming.
Prayer: O Jesus, sanctify us with Your holiness. We pray, in Your name, Amen!
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