MLC Ministry’s Call to Existence...

MLC Ministries has been formally called into existence in May 2003. The Ministry has been actively involved in the transformation, training and renewing of the Body and Bride of Jesus the Messiah.

We are called as YHWH’s followers and faithful servants for a season of preparation. Within this season we believe Y’shua is crying out to His Bride saying TRUST ME, LEAN ON ME, RELY ON ME, I WILL BE YOUR SHEPHERD and I WILL NOT FORSAKE MY BRIDE, FOR SHE IS MY HEART.

We believe that based on the Prophecies and Revelation of His Scriptures we are in the Last Days. Our Groom is almost done preparing the House and will be coming for His Beloved, very Soon!!

Our commitment is to seek His Heart in all we do, so that we will not waste time being busy with works of the flesh but rather purposefully being busy Redeeming, Restoring, Rebuilding and Rededicating ourselves and others to His Heart.

As a team we are excited to engage in all aspects of Ministry and through the guidance of His Spirit be positioned and activated for the task ahead. Our team is compelled to stay true to His Word and strip away any and all unrighteousness and misleading teaching of this world so that all that remains is the Truth – The WORD OF GOD.

We are called as YHWH’s followers and faithful servants for a season of preparation. Within this season we believe Y’shua is crying out to His Bride saying TRUST ME, LEAN ON ME, RELY ON ME, I WILL BE YOUR SHEPHERD and I WILL NOT FORSAKE MY BRIDE, FOR SHE IS MY HEART.

MLC Ministries has a Call for Africa. We TRUST YHWH for years of revival and revelation whilst the window is still open on His season of Grace. Time is running out and THE BRIDE needs to prepare herself for His Coming.

The Scriptures refers in Revelation 22:11-14 “Whoever keeps acting wickedly, let him go on acting wickedly; whoever is filthy, let him go on being made filthy. Also, whoever is righteous, let him go on doing what is righteous and whoever is holy, let him go on being made holy.” “Pay attention!” `{`Says Y’shua`}` “I am coming soon, and my rewards are with Me to give to each person according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they have the right to eat from the tree of Life and to through the gates into this city!”

In Humble submission and dependency we lay ourselves down and TRUST the One and Only True King of Kings. Through the Guidance of the Spirit of Truth by the divine Will of GOD and leading of the testimony of Jesus’s great love and obedience, we TRUST that we will continue to develop, learn and grow as His children in maturity and effective work in the Kingdom of Heaven.



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