We believe that based on the Prophecies and Revelation of His Scriptures we are in the Last Days. Our Groom is almost done preparing the House and will be coming for His Beloved, very Soon!!
Our commitment is to seek His Heart in all we do, so that we will not waste time being busy with works of the flesh but rather purposefully being busy Redeeming, Restoring, Rebuilding and Rededicating ourselves and others to His Heart.
As a team we are excited to engage in all aspects of Ministry and through the guidance of His Spirit be positioned and activated for the task ahead. Our team is compelled to stay true to His Word and strip away any and all unrighteousness and misleading teaching of this world so that all that remains is the Truth – The WORD OF GOD.
We are called as YHWH’s followers and faithful servants for a season of preparation. Within this season we believe Y’shua is crying out to His Bride saying TRUST ME, LEAN ON ME, RELY ON ME, I WILL BE YOUR SHEPHERD and I WILL NOT FORSAKE MY BRIDE, FOR SHE IS MY HEART.